It’s the first Tuesday in November – so it’s Melbourne Cup time!  We entered into our own version of Sign Sweepstakes to enjoy the annual event. Subway and chocolate cookies provided the perfect accompaniment to the race that stopped our very busy S&L factory. Robbie organised a very popular sign sweepstakes – making sure that there was plenty to cheer for.  All in the name of a bit of harmless entertainment of course!

Dave fired up a BIG 98″ LG LCD digital screen in one of our factory units for optimal viewing and we all downed-tools at 11.50am ready for the race that stops the nation. In a very tight finish, Knight’s Choice won by a nose with Robbie Dolan on top. With long odds, the 5 year old  gelding beat a strong field. Robbie Dolan is from Ireland, moving with his family from Ireland to Australia and now resides in Queensland. He has made a name for himself with winning rides and has also starred on reality TV show The Voice.  The 28-year-old is clearly multi-talented – being as good on the back of a horse, as he is as a singer.

Winners are Grinners

Well done to all our winners – Myles, Mark W, Daniel, Sue, Mark S, Eliza and Adam – who now have big smile on their dial. The $5 and $2 sweeps were highly popular.

Melbourne Cup – Did You Know?

Here are some Melbourne Cup fun facts:

  • The 2024 Melbourne Cup is worth a total of $8,560,000 and is the world’s richest handicap horse race.
  • Only three fillies and 12 mares (female horses) have won the Cup – making it a very male dominated event (yawn!)
  • It was first run in 1861 – and has run every year since 1861 (except for an intermission during World War I and World War II). 2024 was the 164th year the race has run!
  • Horses must be over 3 years in age.
  • Around 300-400 horses are nominated to run in the Cup each year, but the final field is limited to 24 starters.
  • Famous runner, Makybe Diva, has the most wins by a horse – 200320042005
  • No horse has ever won from barrier 18, nor won with the number 18 saddlecloth.
Back to Signage – Digital Signage Benefits

The Melbourne Cup is yet another great example of the diversity and multi-uses of digital signage. Trying to get 40-50 people around a small TV screen is not great for viewing quality. This is where a large 98″ digital screen packs a punch offering high quality viewing. Business’ can benefit from digital signage for real time information, training and staff events – such as the Sign Sweepstakes. Whilst live event screenings are popular, other options include movie showings, break-out room entertainment, lunchrooms, safety metric reminders, etc.

For more ideas on where to take your digital signage, call 08 9274 5151 or email us to find out more.

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