Perth Sign Industry Experts
When it comes to Star Performers, it was not easy working out who would feature next. So many to choose from … what a lovely problem to have! This fifth person has earned their stripes here at Signs & Lines for over a decade, and their place in our history book is cemented in stone. Find out more as we unravel their many talents – and a few hidden secrets. So what does it take to be part of the Perth sign industry experts?
- Experience – of course! And this person has it in spades with over 25 years in the sign game.
- Knowledge – well this is a given, and in our industry knowledge is king. From design, to graphics, to welding and metal fabrication, spray-painting and routing – and then the logistics of mobilising people and signage on site – this is no simple process. This person’s role requires all input and consideration of all these areas so it’s pretty full on!
Our Star Performer #5 has knowledge in spades, and is able to keep all the spinning plates spinning.
How does this person make this happen I hear you ask? Well, a high degree of planning and organising, plus a liberal dose of post-it notes is the answer.
Signage Industry Specialist Perth
Introducing one of our most experienced Star Performers with over 12 years notched up with Signs & Lines. Joining us in 2007 when we were a smaller entity, just moved into our Meliador Way premises, this person has grown with us and had great influence along the way.
Guessed who it is yet?
Probably the key giveaway is that is person is a MASSIVE animal lover. With pet dogs, cats and a pet pit – Kevin – this person lives for their fur kids. Kevin came into Signs & Lines many years ago as a little piglet and spent many an hour in the office. He was a star attraction and most welcome until he started to grow into a weaner – and his size and girth increased exponentially with Sue’s treats. What a spoilt piggy he is to this day!
Let us waste no more time and introduce Star Performer #5.
Star Performer #5
Our fifth Star Performer is an unshakable member of the production team. Sue – or Flip-flop if you’re calling her by her nickname.
Since joining us in December 2007, Sue has dedicated all of her S&L working life as our Production Manager – directing and co-ordinating over 50 jobs a month to ensure they are delivered on time.
Although Sue has had previous roles in signage, we know that she has tried other industries. Her worst job was shelling fish (sounds smelly!)… Similarly, when her time comes to leave the signage industry we know that she would like to expand her musical skills and learn the drums. Clearly singing is not part of this musical adventure though, as Sue is not into Karaoke. In fact her motto is to NEVER sing in public – even when under the influence!
Still on music, we asked Sue what band/artist (dead or alive) would play at her funeral. The Answer. No-one (well, she’s not dying or having a future). Of course…
Sue’s Star Qualities – Bucket List
When not at work or looking after her fur-babies we wanted to find out what would be on Sue’s bucket list. We all have one right? Not surprisingly, number 1 on the list is to Travel the World. Second was to win Lotto … [although the editor things that she may have to win Lotto in order to Travel the World?]. Third was to spoil her family with the Lotto win – lucky them!
Some Good Advice
Sue is always there to give advice to our team. Not surprisingly, when asked about which cartoon character she would hang out with, she chose ile E. Coyote. If like me, you are old enough to remember this series, in each episode, the cunning, insidious and constantly hungry Coyote repeatedly attempts to catch and subsequently eat the Road Runner. But is never successful. Each attempt comically backfires, with Wile E. Coyote often getting injured in the process.
Maybe this segue’s nicely into the fact that when people are in trouble Sue is there to lend a hand, offer advice and generally be a good friend. It actually all makes sense.
To finish, we asked Sue what the best piece of advice she has ever been given and this one should resonate with all of us.
‘Be happy for yourself’
On that note, we say thank you Flip-flop – great words of wisdom and ones that we should all abide by.
More about Signage industry specialists in Perth
So, to talk about signage work, or any of the other great signage we can make, call our Perth sign industry experts about your next project. No shape too complex or too tricky for production team – put Sue and the team to the test!
Call us today about traditional or digital signage projects on +61 8 9274 5151 or email. Alternatively check out our signage website.