Signs & Lines are taking proactive precautions and actions amid the fast-changing situation of the COVID-19 – Coronavirus pandemic.

Firstly, yes, we are open for business!

Our teams are fully operational in sales, design, project management, production and installation across both static and digital signage. Be assured that we are taking new orders, and our manufacturing and installation lead times are as per usual*. We will do everything in our power to maintain delivery times however, if delays occur out of our control, we will advise clients accordingly.

We are committed to use all the resources available to us to protect our employees, customers and operations during this time. We are following advice from the World Health Organisation (WHO), the Australian Government, Safe Work Australia and other professional bodies, and have developed and trialled contingency plans which we will act on in a timely fashion.

  • Health Status: Our staff have been following medical guidelines for local/international travel and coronavirus symptoms. We are actively implementing additional protective measures across our workplace, including social distancing. Our remote communication channels are (wide) open with most meetings now taking place via remote contact eg. Facetime, Zoom, WebEx . Visual health checks are in place to monitor our 24 staff at the outset of a shift.
  • Site Works: All local and site specific health protocols and regulations are being followed, in addition to our own stringent measures. Our installation works allow us to travel across regions with the necessary paperwork.

Everyone at Signs & Lines takes real pride in delivering the best signage outcomes and will be managing the impact this pandemic may have on your existing or future projects proactively and with our trademark ‘can do’ attitude.

Keep well & stay healthy.

Mark & Josie


For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Mark Simmonds, Director                                    Josie Simmonds, Business Manager

08 9274 5151 / 0407 199576                                08 9274 5151 / 0419 956346                           

*in the majority of cases although there are likely to be unforeseen restrictions from border closures, international travel restrictions and supply shortages of some materials which are out of our hands.

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