Mo’vember Time
A sure sign it’s Mo’vember – the Mo’s are out!! We’re proudly supporting men’s health again this year with some very creative ‘Mo’vember Mo’s’ on display already. There will be prizes galore at the end of the month, with our suprise guest judge being flown in specially (!!) for this important occassion – we quiely think that maybe it’s just because we’re having a Morning Tea and he cant resist a cake or two!
So far Signs & Lines have raised $100 of our $500 target to raise funds for this important cause. With over 80% of our workforce being men, we recognise the importance of keeping our team mentally and physically fit and strong.
Donations Welcome
So donate today and help us meet and beat our target. Our Donation page is here. . . It’s for all the dads, brothers, sons and mates in your life…
Importantly, for more on the Mo’vember cause and how you can help support the fine men in our lives, follow this link.
Key Men’s Health Issues
Mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer – are all part of Mo’vember’s crucial work in this space. Since 2003, Movember has funded more than 1,250 men’s health projects around the world. This is designed to challenge the status quo, shaking up men’s health research and transform the way health services reach and support men. Donations go to help these projects and support ongoing research.
Importantly we want to help our people be the best versions of themselves that they can be. For more on ‘a sign it’s Mo’vember’ updates, visit our Facebook page or follow the results of the Mo competition on our next blog post.